Uniting traditional schooling and homeschooling for a blended learning experience.
If your child is sick, please do NOT send them to the Academy. Fever of anything above 99', keep them home. You as the parent are responsible for making sure your child completed all required assignments for any day they are unable to attend the academy.
Return and document all assignments by the following Friday of their return. Any work not returned will be a 0% and your child will be counted absent for those days.
Please dress appropriately, modestly and discreet. Your child must keep their body and hair neat and clean. We will have NHA t-shirts available for a $20.00 contribution. These shirts will be required for all field trips.
All students will have a Bible/Chapel class everyday. Each child needs a KJV bible. No special dress code, other than above will be required for Bible/Chapel.
All students must pack their lunch. A refrigerator will be provided and microwaves available. Water and snacks will be available from the Conquerors Snack Shack. Contribution amounts TBA.
All grade levels will participate. Studies show that is very important for the development of every child.
All Pre-K and Kindergarten students will need nap mats and pillows, they can have a stuffed animal and blanket. Also, one extra full set of clothes kept at the academy. (just in case)
All grade levels will be required to participate and wear school t-shirts on field trips.
All grade levels, available at the academy.
We will try our very best to not cause added stress to our families with fundraising. You can help by submitting your contributions in a timely manner. We will have a school carnival and a few fun activities scheduled.
We will gladly accept donations for the operating expenses of the academy. They will be greatly appreciated.

Melissa D. Dailey
I am so excited to be part of the New Hope Academy Ministry. We are looking forward to many great years of excellent academics while our staff integrates Biblical Principles in all aspects of the academy. I come to the academy with over 11 years of teaching experience and over 10 years of administrator/principal experience. I will truly do my very best to help further God's ministry. I am excited to be part of your families journey with New Hope Academy. If I can be of any assistance to you, please let me know.
In Christ,
Mrs. Melissa D. Dailey

Our Mission
We desire to help in the development of students academically and spiritually while serving Jesus Christ and being an impact in the world through their leadership and character.
Our Vision
We desire to help train up a generation of Godly leaders who love learning and seek after God's wisdom. We want to help prepare students academically, spiritually and in accordance with their God-given abilities, enabling them to go through life with love and courage.